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A review of the Aftershock podcast, a highly-produced fictional thriller from iHeartRadio

Podcast Name: Aftershock
Where You Can Find It: Listen on iHeartRadio or in your favorite podcast player
Average Episode Length: 35 minutes
Episodes Listened To: At the time of this review, I've listened to the first six episodes in the 10-part series
The moment I heard the trailer for the Aftershock podcast, I grabbed my phone and subscribed. I was that intrigued.
I’m not familiar with the writers or most of the actors; it was totally the premise that has me hooked:
California is rocked by the biggest earthquake ever to hit North America, and while its all death and misery on land, the quake has unearthed a never before seen island of the coast.
Our main character, Cassie, needs to get to the island (you'll find out why in Episode 1), and she brings along Wayne, a stranger who is just trying to survive the aftermath of the quake, and who thinks Cassie could use some protection.
First Impressions
The most important thing to know about Aftershock is that the production quality is fantastic. It feels like you're watching a movie. You can hear the water lapping on the shores, you can picture the helicopter and the emergency vehicles. It's some of the best audio drama I've listened to.
I hadn't even really looked at the cover art for the podcast until I uploaded the image into this blog post, but I already had a picture of it in my head.
I had some doubts about this show early on in Episode 1. It stemmed mostly from the dialogue, particularly in the all-important scene in which a guy in a helicopter spots the new island, and also in the scene when Cassie and Wayne first meet. The dialogue seemed unnaturally rushed, which I think is a result of needing to set the scene quickly in that first episode.
The dialogue in Episode 2 was much better, and the whole second episode is a little more action-packed. Episode 4 was also full of action, and had a cliffhanger that left me absolutely frustrated that I didn't have the next episode ready to go (I'm listening as they are released, not binging).
The Characters & Acting
The character of Wayne is played by David Harbour from Stranger Things, but I didn't know that when I first started listening. He creeped me out in the beginning, but I feel like that's a good thing. He's grown on me, although I'm not altogether sure what to make of him at this point...
There’s a character that is a little Jack Nicholson from a few good men, and I love him.

I'm still not sure what to make of the Cassie character; she's even-keeled and methodical, but I'm not sure what that says about her in a story that's sure to turn the tables on me.
Are you intrigued? I want you to be intrigued. This show is GOOOOD.
Bottom Line
Aftershock is a twisty, turny mystery podcast, in which more details coming to light in every episode. The characters and their motivations are questionable from the start, and you're never sure who to trust. There's both foreshadowing and flashbacks, and I've reacted out loud (laughter, gasping, and "no f-ing way!" alike) on most episodes.
If you like the Homeland podcast, I think you’ll enjoy Aftershock. Just beware of iHeartRadio's massively long ad breaks in every episode (so long, every time).
Have you listened to Aftershock? What do you think? Post a comment below (no spoilers, please!).
P.S. I miiiight have a thing for podcasts about earthquakes. Back in 2019, I was obsessed with the podcast The Big One. I wrote about it my Best Podcasts of 2019 post.